Welcome to the LiteHouse

Another Run?

Mar 10, 2024

Welcome to the Roguelite House, the place for all things roguelite.

If you don't know what a roguelite is, you should probably start here.

But the important thing to know is roguelites are the best.

You'll hear a lot of talk from AAA studios about "forever games", but they are just talking about live service, procgen _nonsense_.

Roguelites are the real forever games. Run after run, always adding something new.* Each new playthrough a different experience, one way or another.

Oh, and did I mention that most of them are short?

I don't know about you, but the times I can sit down and play a single game for hours are pretty limited these days. So what better than games where I can sit down and crack out a run or two in short bursts? Even if I don't win, I had a good time along the way.

Maybe you don't play roguelites right now. Maybe you were scared off because you heard they were difficult. Maybe you like things with more story. Maybe you don't like being confined to a single genre.

Well good news: roguelites are such a vast and varying family that there's something for everyone.

So take a look around the Litehouse for more about the roguelites we love (or just really want to talk about).

So What Is This?

Welcome to the Roguelite House, the place for all things roguelite.

If you don't know what a roguelite is, you should probably start here.

What're We Running Now?

  • Against the Storm
  • Balatro

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